Terms of Service

1. Parties: The Client is referred to as “Client.” Mackenzie LaRoe is referred to as the “Photographer.” The Photographer is in the business of providing professional photography services, and the Client wishes to retain the Photographer’s services for the session set forth above.

2. Editing: The Client agrees and understands that Photographer edits the photos at her artistic discretion and is included in the session fee. Additional heavy editing, such as removing glare on eyeglasses, braces, out-of-place hairs, or weight reduction, will be charged at $50 per image.

3. RAW Files: RAW, unedited files not selected for the final gallery are not delivered or shared.

4. Product Refunds: Due to the custom nature of prints and photographic art products, all purchased products cannot be returned, and all money paid is non-refundable.

5. Archive & Storage: The Photographer archives all photos from each session for one year from the session date. After that, the Photographer deletes all proofed images from her external hard drives. The Photographer is not responsible for digital files once the Client receives them. The Client is responsible for making electronic backup copies of digital files from the Photographer and keeping them safe.

6. Copyright: The Client understands that the Photographer is the sole and exclusive holder and owner of the copyright of each image taken during the services provided under this Agreement, and the Client will not copy, edit, crop, or alter the photos in any manner for any purpose. Photographer retains all rights to the images, including but not limited to the right to sell, copy, display, or publish any photos for any reasons, including but not limited to marketing, advertising, print competitions, and for use on Photographer’s website and portfolio. Federal Law governs copyright protection, and violators will be punished to the fullest extent. The Client must credit Photographer as “Mackenzie LaRoe” on any images uploaded to social media or otherwise.

7. Client Usage: Client understands that they are obtaining digital files or other products for Client’s personal use only. The Client agrees that they will not use any of the images from the session for commercial reasons, including but not limited to marketing, advertising, or entering the images into a contest of any kind. The Client agrees to give credit to the Photographer as “Mackenzie LaRoe.” Suppose Client wishes to use any of the images from the session for commercial purposes. In that case, the Client must contact the Photographer to discuss the terms of a potential commercial arrangement, though Photographer is not obligated to enter into any commercial agreement. To protect the integrity and style of the Photographer’s brand, photos should not be re-edited in color or style. This includes filters of any kind.

If you have questions or concerns about the Terms of Service, please contact Mackenzie LaRoe.